Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Forty Years Old, Yikes!!

Its hard to believe that this boy is actually 40 years old
Here is something he accomplished in that time. They are such cute kids and so much fun to be around. In fact the whole family has alot of fun all the time.
Chad and Russ many years ago. They were great scouts and all our boys worked to be Eagle Scouts. We can thank Don for being so envolved in scouting and taking the boys along, sometimes when they weren't old enough to be there.
Teen years, Russ and Peter were good friends

The Eagle Scout!!

Russ and his brothers, they were always up to something.

Russ has always had a good relationship with his uncle Bob LeSueur. Here they are fishing in Alaska. Bob has always been a good friend to him.
Russ is a fun father and loves to tease his kids all the time. We are missing Jordan in this picture. She is going to make Russ and Melissa Grandparents in a few weeks. Our first greatgrand child. We are all so excited!
Russ love little kids and is always playing with them and trying to convince them that he is their favorite uncle.
Russ is a good Mr Mom and cooks dinner most every night since Melissa has gone to work.
Russ loves to play, some of his hobbies over the years are golfing, bass fishing, motorcycles, flying, reading many books and of course sports.
Happy birthday Russ. We love you and are proud to be your parents. Have a fun watching Scott play varsity football on your birthday. What more could you want?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Somebody Has a Birthday

Kristen Holyoak LeSueur is Thirty Four today

Happy Birthday to Kristen. We are glad to have her as part of our big family. We appreciate all of her talents and the beautiful grandchildren she has given us.

Here is a picture of their cute family.
Kristen is a good housekeeper and great cook and fun to be with. She is also YW president in her ward and does a great job at it. She loves her family and they love her. Hope this is a fun day for her. Happy Birthday Kristen

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Kristen 09-09-09

Kristen is turning 28 on Wed . She was born on 9-9-81
She is everybodys favorite aunt. Always having fun with the kids

Kristen and Dan are two big kids and as everybody know there favorite place in the world is Disneyland. They are off to Disneyland for the rest of the week to celebrate her birthday.
She loves babies, and is going through infertility process
We hope that this will be the year for them to have a baby.

Kristen is the baby of the family and everybody loves her. She is so much fun and the coolest aunt ever. She is always happy and never complains and is loyal to her friends and family (and cats)
Kristen we love and appreciate all you do for our family.